... 40. People say the LR from the 90's had ... really wordy stimuli whereas the "modern" ones are ... more concise, however, the answer choices have gotten a ... />
RC: June 2007 marks the start of Comparative Passages where ... the last 20 PT's or so and the length of the ...
... I suggest picking up the Cambridge packets for LR ... JY's explanations (for the ones that are available) ... 're serious about the drilling. 20 at a time, ... them. Rinse repeat for the others. Remember, RC isn ... kid, you can definitely answer the related Qs.
< ...
@"Jonathan Wang" ...do you think they'll make it to the top 20 as was their goal anytime soon??? I think that school has a ton going for it but the USNWR rankings have a degree of rigidity. I REALLY think that school is awesome.
... 's possible they could approach the Top 20's. With only two ... years' worth of employment data and the ... being not as good as the original class, I'm interested ... to see the upcoming 2014 data.
... be mortal locks for the top 20, and I'd actually ... have long histories in the 17-20 range, and WashU and ... Minnesota basically knock on the ... school so much as the fact that leapfrogging that ... those issues, while at the same time Duke doesn' ...
... it's not quite the same as the T14 for law ... schools, there is the M7 which is the top 7 MBA ... programs which is the above plus Northwestern (Kellogg), ... good prospects outside of the M7 but the starting pay and ... as you fall out of the top 20 or so. But a ...
... suggest reading magazines like The Economist and Scientific American. ... get better acquainted with the legal/business jargon. As ... now ranging from The Roaring 20's to The Reformation, to ... Jamestown Colony, the American Revolution.. ...
... not very confident going into the exam this weekend. Signed up ... to take the December exam and by that ... I would have finished all the remaining 20 PT I haven't ... as well use up all the opportunity I have.
... to develop that internal 1:20 clock. There are some questions ... 't made significant progress at the 1:20 mark you're most ... likely spinning your wheels anyway. Circle the ... , you're reaching more of the low hanging fruit that you ...
... from home (New York), with the option of national portability. Where ... national portability of schools below the top 20? (Specifically, ASU, UC Davis ...
... />
Just pick and pray. The entire point of a guess ... on it and just accepting the blind 20% chance. If you're ... to guess, you're defeating the purpose.
I got an app waiver from every top 20 school outside of H,Y,and S.... I'm applying exclusively to the top 20 and hopefully one accepts me with a scholarship.
... you knew after the Oct exam what the Dec exam ... they were going into the October exam, I feel ... about this test. After the October exam, I was ... difficult. I remained vigilant throughout the entire test. Regardless, I ... (including about half of the top 20 schools).
... start considering schools outside the T14 it would be in ... is pretty much right on the money in my opinion. ... I have friends in the T14 and my best ... probably shouldn't stray from the T14. Since that's ... look at all the schools in the 15-20 range, weigh your ...
... rise your goals up the rankings until you hit ... get into the #14-20 schools. USC is #20. As far ... as transferring in, one of the ... compete. (Consider also the students who are WAY ... smarter than the rest of Southwestern Law ...
... part.. Should I continue through the course syllabus and then return ... on.
The other packages like the Ultimate have multiple study ... buy at least one of the early (20 or 30s LSAT bundle ... this will help you build the confidence you need before ...
... , so definitely go back through the Trainer, or even better- sign ... for 7Sage and supplement with the Trainer. Make sure your fundamentals ... />
Did you BR the previous 20 tests you took? If so ... going to ask at the end of the passage- main point, author ...
... I would postpone until the October test. The reason is that, if ... you were PTing in the low 160s, you could ... you into at least the Top 20 schools and give you ... I'd definitely recommend the LSAT Trainer by Mike ... you out with that. The 7sage curriculum is also ...
... questions are killing me. The first 20 PTs probably have 150-170 ... BR.
I concede the stimuli have changed a lot ... but the construction of wrong answer choices ... flaw questions in particular the first 20 are a huge resource to ...
... t necessarily assume this: the pervasiveness is not fully ... br />
The conclusion the argument is making is that the "society as body metaphor ... we can't justify the comparison because we have ... are useful (therefore validating the premise that pervasiveness is ...
... people consider safety schools in the first place because they are ... gets rejected, and instead attends the school ranked 137. I don ... wise to apply to just the t14-20 schools given my number ... aspect on the application. Almost everyone ...
... had two LG sections. Both the LR sections seemed odd, not ... the one RC section, i had the lacquer artist and the comparative on body ... , and i don't recall the 4th one at ...