... has caused me to rush during the test. I've had ... test. I'm too relaxed duringPT's. Truthfully, that relaxation is ... has helped me score high PT's. And I'll think ... ramp up the pressure in PT's so that it can ...
... section before you take a PT next time. Treat that first ... your second (but first on PT) score would be like as ... strange because I feel more tiredduring the second section of LR ...
... to working when you are tired and 2) being slow and ... notice that i would get tiredduring the second half of the ... even when i am dead tired from work, getting through the ... 't taken them already, save PT 148 - 158 for when you ...
... to working when you are tired and 2) being slow and ... notice that i would get tiredduring the second half of the ... even when i am dead tired from work, getting through the ... 't taken them already, save PT 148 - 158 for when you ...
... in the low-mid 160s duringPT 50-55. I thought ... I literally thought about cancelling during the first section. I ... but I felt exhausted during the last section. I ... br />
I didn’t study during the waiting month and got ... hard RC/LR Qs during the test. It was ...
I run out of time when duringPT 51 before filling the answer sheet for last five questions (took me around 15 seconds) should I exclude all of the five questions from my score? Or deduct a point from my total score?
... up at 6 am everyday during the final week leading up ... a few more times during this month duringPT's in order to ... test the sleeping pills beforehand during a PT to see how it ...
When you take your practice tests do you use the distractions on the proctor tool? I began using it this practice test on a level 3 volume, and it sounded like the person next to me was tearing up their test page by page! I know ...
Hoping someone can assist. I at times am unable to focus and feel scatterbrained when taking the exam under time constraints. I have been trying the meditation piece which is in the CC. Is there anything else my fellow 7 Sagers might recommend that could ...