... was in Logic Games (-10) and LR (-8-10) and scored in ... drop in Games (-7 to -10, from my earlier ranges of ... these low scores, and on top of that, I think burn ...
... , my hands start cramping writing essays. So definitely a plus. And ... was FAST. Especially the 10 questions under 10 minutes, Now you might ... easily knock 13 questions under 10 minutes. If you are someone ...
I am curious to gain some insight on how fellow sagers trained themselves into answering 10 questions in 10 mins and how you worked up to 15 in 15 and so on. Was it mainly drills or through timed PTs?
Should I also write "why x" essays if I am writing a diversity statement?
I honestly think it's really hard to write interesting why x school essays unless one has regional ties or other personal, compelling reasons to go particular schools.