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If I include my two full time jobs and 5 ... ), I quickly take up one page with experience. The internships were ... of these and maybe just limit the bullets to 1 or ...
... m applying to want two pages max. Three ... other schools want _approximately_ two pages. And the other ... pagelimit or it's max three. I'm at about two ... do. I know the "twopage max" schools are a ... what about the "_approximately_ two pages" schools. How flexible ...
... be double-spaced and approximately two pages in length. This ... legal profession. Please limit your statement to two pages, double spaced ... LSAC account number on each page.
How's ... how much space in your two-page allotment are you dedicating to ...
... knew the shortest pagelimit I had seen was two pages so I ... made mine exactly two pages so I could ... the two to four page range (while a few have no limit ... would fall in the four page range. Just be sure ... an alternate PS that is two pages long. Of course, ...
... said:
> Two schools I'm applying to ... other schools want _approximately_ two pages. And the other ... pagelimit or it's max three. I'm at about two ... . I know the "twopage max" schools are a ... what about the "_approximately_ two pages" schools. How flexible ...
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I wrote a twopage and a one page version of the diversity ... limit, I submitted the two-pager. For schools that did specify one page ... . When I wrote my one-page version, it actually made the ...
Where exactly can we print the PTs that are available to print? I'm trying to print every LG 1-40 after going through the LG CC again. I have PDFs, but they are older and have the LGs on one page...I would like to be practicing with two-page LGs.
... limiting it to a single page. I'm wondering if others ... 's advisable to submit a twopage resume? I've had 3 ... . Including everything on a single page would mean not putting much ...
For schools that do not specify that they would like 1.0 margins all around, and just specify a font size and pagelimit for the PS and résumé, are .8 or .9 margins generally ok?
its a separate twopage sheet, and then you get the little booklet with the questions. so you get two pieces of paper from them, its the same as the act if you can remember from high school
its a school to school thing... when I was applying I had a 2 page template and then an expanded version for some schools... have a basic twopage template that you can edit - and tailor it to the institution you are applying to imo.
... the newer tests give you two pages for games, so ample ... on the side of the page because the game spreads all ... 1.
With the new twopage layout, I write down the ... there are usually one or two questions where I don't ...