The psychological battle is real. Thanks for sharing! I didn't add marshmallows, haha, but I did this same thing with logic games. The association with my morning coffee made me eager to work them and I soon began enjoying them!
... far as eliminating answers with "generalization," you want to check to ... that would definitely be a generalization. Since it's not any ... statement, but is it a generalization within the context? I guess ... on if the concept of generalization depends on a sense of ...
Hey @"Giant Panda" , I'd love to help but I'm not entirely sure what your question is. I'm also not entirely sure what a universal statement is. Are you referring to an all statement? Something like "All Jedi use the force"
... a conditional one. Because an universal quantifier/conditional logic dictates a ... to represent this idea with universal quantifier/conditional logic. Cuz it ... the logic language such as universal/existential quantifier, bc it neither ...