I would recommend 7sage all the way. It'll probably be cheaper than to extend the BP account. I don't get much out of the BP video explanations for some reason.
... . A few examples:
"Hi Dillon, My Little Texan Birthday Fruitcake ... "
"Hi Dillon, My Gluten-Free Piece of ... Butter And Fluff"
"Hi Dillon, My Stale Piece of Candy ...
Based off a comment made by Dillon on the Analytics page, I don't think it's possible. Someone there suggested taking a screenshot of your current score and then erasing and entering your new score. Hope that helps.
@jdawg113 maybe after someone emails him he'll hit them with his prices lol because I do recall Dillon saying not to post about what service you can provide those in the forum since you'll be charging for it.