I know that Black and Mexican/Puerto African URMs get the ... ... But will applying as a URM Hispanic give me a boost ... /UCLA.. Does anyone know if URM Hispanic gives a LSAT score ...
I was born in Guatemala, and have lived here in the US for the majority of my life as undocumented. I am a part of an indigenous community back home. I have seen that many people consider URM as Mexican/African American... so what am I?
Just curious if being significantly older than most students applying to law school (lets say hypothetically speaking 20+ years) would qualify you as being URM? Not that I would actually know anyone who was of course :)
Any one know if Central Americans, specifically Nicaraguans, are considered URM's? And if so, what role does it play in the application process/ admission probability?
I'm taking the test tomorrow and I only have a printer with black & white ink to print out my ticket. My photo looks fine...is it okay that my ticket isn't in color?
... on a farm, McDonald's, Mexican restaurant, Marriott hotel, Sears). I ... . I went to an all white school most of my childhood ... would accuse me of acting white when I spoke. (I've ...
... Translation:
Some White women are not Beckys white woman. (Beckys --> White women) ... envisioning a circle representing "white women" world with a ...
... do not fit the tradition URM (under-represented minority) definition get ... />
I understand that traditionally URM includes African Americans, some Hispanics ...
Is it ever possible that your personal statement/ diversity statement leads admissions to consider you URM even if you are not part of the categories they mention as being URM?