Proctors: The proctors were the school staff and were reasonable. The main supervisor did announcements regarding test instructions from the podium in the lecture hall over the mic so everybody could hear it. The test was done in a very large lecture Hall ...
What if I told you I had one weird trick to completely fix your understanding of Weaken/Strengthen questions? Well, I'd be lying. But I do want to share with you my personal ...
Managing LSAT Stress and Anxiety
Thursday 4/28 9pm ET
This extra special 7sage webinar will be led by Pacifico Soldati who, in addition to being an LSAT expert, is also a certified yoga instructor. Covering general ...
Most Strongly Supported with Sage Corey Janson
Friday 5/20 9pm ET
Back by popular demand (y'all are practically beating the door down on this one). Corey gives us round 2 of his most excellent MSS intensive this Friday!
Our very own @"J.Y. Ping" will be hosting BR Group for PT50 on Sunday. Appropriately, this is the very LSAT JY took back in September 2006. So it's all coming full circle.