... low ranking school, I think that in itself is a very unrealistic ... , going to an unranked school is literally a coin flip in some ... you can get accepted into aschool in the 20s 30s etc ... likely can get a full ride from a ranked school which would be ...
... way off of a wait list, basically guaranteeing aschool if they accepted ... her shed write them a check for ... , grades and school competitiveness. Plus your marketability to get a Law Position ...
... fairly their range. Then a more difficult school like #34 of BC ... , etc. Take a look at the LSAC website's school search. They ... have a calculator that gives ... your chances of getting into aschool based on your GPA & ...
... of debt and a degree from aschool with a checkered record ... to get a substantial scholarship at a strong regional school. Certainly ... up going to a good school with a plump scholarship (maybe ... not T20, but a good school with decent employment prospects ...
... TLS and although a lot of them have a "t-14 or ... go anywhere other than a t14 is a bad decision for most ... to decide if it is a decision you are ok with ... with 150k in debt. With a 3.8 GPA there is ... you aren't going to aschool on a full scholarship other than ...
I wouldn't write anything until you're ready to negotiate, accept or withdraw. I never responded to aschool after acceptance and scholarship offer and then they randomly gave me an unsolicited increase from $15k/yr to $25k/yr.
... an actual law journal at aschool that has 10 students on ... , and Tom could be a total slacker and not write ... anything, or he writes a lot but only about one ... legal issue. This is a classic part versus whole flaw ... of the editorial board as a whole does not have ...
... of just giving up. But aschool like, say, Brooklyn Law or ... the same day as a mid-ranked California school that shall remain ... nameless waitlisted me, with a handwritten ... wanted to go to their school. It seemed rather low ...
... you get yourself on a WL with your current ... absolutely get you into aschool for this fall. Schools ... t take June as a first score for admissions ... , at least not without taking a course.
... gut feeling is that if aschool is that bothered by your ... wouldn't take you with a 173, then they probably wouldn ... 't with a 175, seeing how both those ... it would make a difference for HLS, but a strong application would ...
... a bad thing. You will find all age groups in law school ... .
@hjlee1992 said:
-Applied to a bunch ... of schools without a test score, now ... were accepted. Unfortunately, once aschool declines you for this cycle ...
... Interest
Personal Statement is a part of your application. a LOCI would be potentially submitted ... , reserve or hold lists for aschool that you decisively want to ...
... as well check out the school." Part of what motivates me ... keep studying is that after visiting one of my top-picks ... want to get into that school. If I get in, great ... from visiting the school. If not it certainly wasn't visiting the school that ...
what @Pacifico said; do the Fulbright!! If minimizing debt is a must then go to aschool that will give you a large chunk of scholly money. There is a balance between going further down the ranks for more money though so be mindful of that!
LSAT scores are a big factor in determining aschool’s ranking, and the highest score is the only one that matters for that. So they do have strong motivation to overlook weaker scores when deciding when to make someone an offer or not.
... the academic equivalent of having a felony on your record. That ... if you're right at aschool's fiftieth percentile, that might ... be a deal breaker. If you're ... . That will show a maturity that can go a long way towards ...
... seem to think that the school does sometimes matter. Specifically, according ... to TLS, there's a slight boost for coming from ... undergrad (Harvard, Yale, etc.) or aschool known for grade deflation (Princeton ... true, so take it with a grain of salt.
... the acceptance letter from another school will factor in all that ... Vanderbilt, if you apply to aschool with numbers well above their ... attend, they should offer you a scholarship.
I know ... pool, though). 170 coupled with a good GPA should put you ...
... :
If you're not a gamer, you don't need ... on buying as much of a computer as you need, maybe ... a tiny bit more for future ... , which is why I have a 17in beast with all the ... need (or want) that for aschool computer that will be used ...
Even for a splitter, I still think the ... you get a bigger scholarship from a similarly/higher ranked school, you can ... definitely use that to negotiate a ... better offer at aschool you'd prefer ...
... said:
You can get a fee waiver based on how ... Americorps
3) Work for a nonprofit
4) Demonstrate Need ...
5) Are a Vet
6) Visit aschool during "law day ...
... your GPA. Do you have a really incredible life story/"softs ... />
Since another top law school offered you a large scholarship? If you ... indicate that you do have a higher chance of being admitted ... , but also Columbia would be aschool you wouldn't want to ...
... re never going to get a completely representative sample. But if ... users' self-reported data, Law School Predictor, and other sites, there ... matter if you get above aschool's 75th percentile vs. falling ...
... matter if you get above aschool's 75th percentile vs. falling ... —and it matters A LOT. That's where a one point difference ... can mean an admit vs a WL. But, one must consider ...