... You know how to "peak" for competition I'm sure! Same ... approach for LSAT. I know EXACTLY ... LSAT is WAY out front for you, especially given that ... d do the June test for multiple reasons (not the ... help me focus, and the waitfor Oct. would cause me ...
@tristanschmoor I'm planning to waitfor the 7sage price to come ... policy. Seriously, I paid $4 for a copy of the second ... in several pink erasers (.99 for 3 large at Target ... ) and ...
These two themes are the ultimate motivators for me both from the same LEGEND - (waitfor it) - ARY series:
@FLAguyNSeoul If you don't already, I would get one of the packages for the 7sage course and start going through the curriculum while you waitfor the PTs. I also highly recommend getting a copy of the LSAT Trainer.
... realize your true potential for a year. My date ... going to be looking for. It was really helpful ... was watching and say, "Wait, did he just say that ... was really nontraditional and perfect for my learning style.
... but now I can't waitfor Monday. That is the ...
Are you able to use sharpeners even electric during the actual sections? Or do you have to waitfor breaks? I recently beat mine to it's death... became so angry and just couldn't take it anymore. I took a unhung chalkboard to that little bastard.
Everyone else has covered all the good stuff, so I'll just leave you with this: whatever study tool you plan on using, start early. Don't waitfor three months before the LSAT. Many of us need to study at least a year before taking the test.
@visualcreed I can't waitfor the law school headache, and the law firm headache, and the headache that the clients will give. The opposing counsel headaches, the court headaches, bring them all on!
I've decided to purchase the .pdfs off Cambridge for 46-51, meaning I won't have to waitfor a book to arrive, plus I like writing them like this as opposed to the bulky booklets Amazon has.
@mpits001 Does LSAC waitfor all of the transcripts to be submitted before they tell you your gpa? I submitted one transcript and I am going to send them the other one once my grade for my summer class is posted.
... a date or general timeframe for when their apps open up ... just tweak it a bit for certain schools with certain requirements ... so you really need to wait. For right now, just focus on ... that is a common date for applications to open up. A ...
Applications to Ontario law schools need to be done via OLSAS, not LSAC.
As forLOR, I think you submit it to OLSAS and they send to the law schools you are applying to. However, I know some Ontario law schools don't require LORs.
... treat your application as complete for review as soon as they ... ... if you want then to wait, you can tell them that ... and would like them to waitfor the score... see I'd ...