Not sure, need to do some digging. I sent mine in right at the deadline in December and I've been ghosted since. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Have you been accepted or waitingon everything from them too?
... thing. But your answer depends on your circumstances and if you ... use to study while waiting in lines, sitting on a bus, etc ... at a car dealership while waitingon repairs! :smiley: You just find ...
... You actually went through an application cycle and decided retaking in ... with the process any advice onapplication would be greatly appreciated. ... stick with your intuition on the first choice when ... see that freaking 'blank' on Q16 on my score report..I ...
... to get a baseline score on the July or August test ... equally. What are your thoughts on that?
> ... score. Even though schools focus on your highest score, it's ... LSAT. Taking the LSAT and waitingon your score can be an ...
... to do it is focus onapplication materials during the week after ... Sunday morning. That totally depends on if you're working while ... 's every other day and application stuff on the weekends. Good luck ...