Random decompressing moment from the incredible webinar about Str/Wkn questions - Forgive me..
Some guy named James Corden on his late night show tonight - who is hosting the Tony's - has a moment with Rosie O'Donnell about Hamilton that is funny!
@CocoZhang & @amipp170
The webinar will be posted soon! You can find the link to all of the webinars under the Discussion tab - Webinar Videos:)
No not Thurs! I have been waiting over a year to be a part of a webinar with Pacifico:(
Not a chance I can make this with my daughters play that night:(
Very sad:(
This would be very helpful information. Hoping that if hold webinar at a time when work intervenes, it can be preserved for later viewing like the rest of the webinar library. Thanks for doing this.
Will this webinar be available to the general public or just 7sage students? I had 7sage premium for over a year, but since I took the LSAT for the last time in October, my subscription has expired. Is there any way I can listen anyway?
I think @"Nicole Hopkins" has one of the best splitters stories in the community. When you join, you'll need to check out her webinar. https://7sage.com/webinar/my-18-point-increase-story/