I am new to studying for the LSAT. Where is everyone ordering them from? Whatdo I use as "drills" and what to I save for taking as a practice test? Thank you.
Hey everybody, If anyone needs any helpwith LG I can help increase your score! I’ve done all the available games through 7Sage (I think 380 games in total). Please please message me if you need help!
Hey everybody, If anyone needs any helpwith LG I can help increase your score! I’ve done all the available games through 7Sage (I think 380 games in total). Please please message me if you need help!
... studying and 10 min break. Whatdo you do during this break? and ... lie down for 10 min. Do you have any recommendations for ... things to do during break time? Thanks!
... specific tutor or company that helpwith revising and editing essays. If ... has any positive personal experience with a specific tutor or company ...
... Admissions/Writing Workshops along with a 4-day in- ... to the fellowship, along with two additional hours Friday nights ... Financial Aid Information suchas Tax Returns with sensitive info suchas SSN censored, ... why you want to help us achieve it to applications ...
... />
Thank you for your suggestions. Do you recommend I get both ... on the toes of @DumbHollywoodActor , but I would if it isn ... , tackling these older questions can do nothing buthelpwith the newer ones. IF ...
... said:
That said... Quinnxzhang, whatdo you perceive to be the ... members." Do you disagree with that? If so, whatdo you perceive as the conclusion ... PT9 S2 Q20 is "Universities, as guarantors of intellectual freedom, **should ...
... out in the yard with their breakfast so they ... Headspace app to do 10 minute meditation to helpwith focus. ... then have breakfast - 1 egg with fresh orange juice. ... to my study room with my coffee. The night ... grab something to eat as well and then I ...
... have no issue with diagramming, but you have problems with making inferences? ... />
What resources have you used to helpwith diagramming? I think ... is more in line with Mike Kim's LSAT ... While the video explanations overlap with many of the concepts, ...
@"Alex Divine" Thanks for the insight, that's definitely reassuring. Whatdo you think about ED2 Penn with my stats? It's not my first choice over columbia/NYU but I'd be really happy to go there. Appreciate your input
... having trouble with the fundamentals won't do you much ... methods aren't clicking with you for some reason. ... many you're missing, but I found 7Sage's ... very long LR stimulus with 5-7 questions to ... br />
Whatdo you feel are your issues with LR/RC? Did ...
... was going to concur with Alex's recommendation, until ... only thing you can do to improve your speed ... If you're not familiar with that, it's essentially ... when describing how they do it, suchas 80% confidence corresponding ... no, and skip as soon as I see an answer ...
... it's better to go with official definitions here. When you ... be call correlation. I agree with Chaim, in that I see ... occurring in this stimulus. Whatdo you see as the benefit of calling ... it 'association'? Correlation works, as long as we know that it isn ...
... picked and compare/contrast it with the correct one while looking ... came to the right answer. Whatdo they emphasize in the argument ... the argument mainly about, whatdo they offer as a support and how ...
... week off and do other stuff suchas going out with friends and family ... the parts that I flagged (suchas difficult arguments, games, or passages ...
... terribly wrong, but I think the course translates to what is most ... efficient for the LSAT. I do not ... is what I took in college). But agree with above, use what works for ...