... be chaotic for me ifIhaveto do that. I try to manage my family ... my family in the evening. Ihave a cousin who just had ... week ago, and I see her sleepless hours to watch the baby ... : ( So I know how hard ...
+ I'm also addicted to Rocket League so I play at ... but I'm not going to get my hopes to high. Luckily Ihave a ... pretty solid job that can hold me over ifIhaveto wait ... another year. I'm just jelly I can't ...
I think you'll be way ... 't have a beard, but I do now. I really don't want to ... shave it off. I'm ... the proctor is cool. If not, I'll be shaving it off ... win. IfI can go in I get to keep my beard. IfIhaveto shave, it ...
... have a beard, but I do now. I really don't want to ... shave it off. I ... proctor is cool. If not, I'll be shaving it ... win. IfI can go in I get to keep my beard. IfIhaveto shave, ... story.
Thank you all. I was really hoping I can score 170+ as I am aiming to apply for fall 2019. My rush is for personal reasons. I guess I'll do the best I can and ifIhaveto- postpone my future if it means getting into the right school.
... />
I live abroad. I paid hundreds of dollars for flights to this ... test center, and I had to take days off from work to ... make it happen. I won ... taking the test from abroad. IfIhaveto retake, so be it, but ...
IfIhaveto reread most of the answer choices more than once, I skip ... the question. IfI've gone through my ... process of elimination and I've ... every answer choice, I skip it. If it just feels like ...
would the screen force people to shuffle pages back n forth for RC or LG questions? That'd suck. i.e. ifIhaveto look at my general diagram I'd haveto scroll a page and then read Q.
I slept my misery away and worked on the rest of my apps. IfIhaveto retake, so be it. Though I'm signed up for Sept. I haven't had the energy to continue studying.
... why I was trying to stray from sleeping pills etc but ifIhavetoIhaveto lol. I ... 'm going to try the reading ... ifI slept in until 11 but I'm trying to train my body to ...
... ifIhaveto pay for all of them, I only make $30k/year, Ihave ... an lsat above every schools median so I think I think Ihave ... a reasonable chance to begin with ... filling forms take time so ifI can get some quick ...
... schedule down to part-time starting November- wish I could have done ... it sooner. I like your lesson ... though. I'm preparing myself to ... but also not be crushed ifIhaveto take it again in ...
... these people?), I calmly called him, asked him to turn it off ... , and went back my section. I wasn ... out there, to be honest. And ifIhaveto take in January (I really don ... ’t want to), that ...
... work to write another LOR. I would love to get my boss to write ... , but I don't want to alert him to the fact I would be ... leaving the company. I ... until next year to attend ifIhaveto, but I would really like to get the ...
... numbers--they will go down! If you routinely practice the games ... the way, I am very glad you mentioned this: "ifIhaveto do it ... under time, I will end up ... anxiety of **time** allows you to:
... my original game board (I'm doing mine in pen ... and erasing would be: whatifI forget to erase part of it, ... or it's not clear, and I ... copying game boards over to new versions for questions ... that need them, so I think you'll find that ...
Agreed! September is my back-up for July. I don't want to take it ifIhaveto and I don't want to cancel my score and have registered for September and not get refunded after the fact.
IfI can split my game boards to solve for most possibilities then I ... the questions in order. However, ifIhaveto use my rules on a ... by question basis then I will generally try to do questions with ... questions for the end when I can generally eliminate at ...
... the hypothesis is correct. If everyone is ingesting mercury, ... more complicated. I try to switch from negating ifIhaveto, while also ... />
My understanding is... If we negate answer choice B ... therefore wrecks the argument. If you wreck an argument ...
... LSAT flex is terrible. If people can sit in restaurants ... and go to malls, they can surely ... afraid this will happen again ifIhaveto retake the LSAT. This ... is terrible news and I may just defer law ... bc of it. Hate to be negative but f the ...
... LSAT flex is terrible. If people can sit in restaurants ... and go to malls, they can surely ... afraid this will happen again ifIhaveto retake the LSAT. This ... is terrible news and I may just defer law ... bc of it. Hate to be negative but f the ...
I'm pretty much in the same spot as you but I've decided to go for it and then just take it again ifIhaveto. I've decided that I'd rather get through any first-real-test jitters when I'm also not at the score I'd like than experience that later.
@karko2525 Thanks, I will be okay in the end ifIhaveto wait a year. I hope you're hanging in there as well. The best thing to do is have a bit of humor where we can about it I think. I just picked the wrong year to start the application process.
... pretty confident now. I just want to do it. I hope it's ... prepared for an extra AR ifihaveto. I actually sometimes do better on ... second AR section. I'm just dreading having to do all the ...