... even get the benefit of seeing what prep strategies you've ... be +/- 3 points from what you're likely to get ... is used to show what kind of student you are. (along ... kappa and laundry list of other academic achievements that ... me ask you this: What would be the harm ...
Identify what types of questions you tend to get ... more familiar with the flavor of those for the 70s PTs ... taking a break part. Most of my best scores have come ...
Both - if I understand what you are asking correctly.
< ... trees...
Understanding both of these really helped me with ... general. The LSAT Trainer because of its more general approach to ... you can't articulate just what type of flaw it is.
2) What type of school are you applying to ... ? Most of the T-14s have deadlines ... a disadvantage.) A lot of T-25s have applications right ... LSAT score and how high of a school you are ... Feb wont be too big of a an issue although ...
... definitely noticed that a lack of sleep made me less focused ... when you woke up? What kind of meal did you have for ... for a distrubed sleep because of all the energy that the ...
... when you woke up? What kind of meal did you have for ... for a distrubed sleep because of all the energy that the ... (locally, humanely raised, of course, lol). I thought of it in the ...
@Micaela_OVO , @"Cant Get Right" how do you hold your GoPro or phones? I have a GoPro but I don't know what kind of mount or accessory I should use...should I use a mini-tripod???
... reading comp threshold. A score of 140-150 still has "reading ... . However, I noticed that many of the students in my previous ... 've gotten more then 80 percentof all questions I've worked ... that with some time, lots of hard work along with 7sage ...
... his standard for LORs (what kind of law was I interested ... work) just asked generally what kinds of things I'd like her ... in the letter and what I thought schools may ... familiar with my resume/what's stated in my ... have a discussion about what it is we were ...
Regarding what will happen in the 70s ... PTs, this is what I've noticed. The ... you have to understand what kinds of inferences and assumptions the ... a really good understanding of the basics like ... test really play on what you think you know. ...
... You have to understand what kinds of inferences and assumptions the LSAT ... have a really good understanding of the basics like conditionality ... 70s test really play on what you think you know. I ... your vague or rushed understanding of the stimulus. Thus the ...
... scored better than the percentage of your score. So if you ... you scored better than 8 percentof the LSAT takers, whereas a ... you scored better than 99 percentof the LSAT takers
... scored better than the percentage of your score. So if ... you scored better than 8 percentof the LSAT takers, whereas ... you scored better than 99 percentof the LSAT takers ... do people post screenshots of their score or just write ...
... schools, one should avoid the "what is the best school I ... longer operating from a position of prudence where you would be ... , faculty/student ratio, and what types of employers, and how many, recruit ... />
With all that out of the way, let me ask ...
... a prudent choice, outside of HYS, where merit aid ... top schools. (a lot of Columbia and NYU grads because ... position without really knowing what the hell being a ... with 180k, but cost of living in NYC is VERY ... 've seen first hand what 250k+ of debt in NYC looks ...
... into some level of specificity as to what type of law I'm ... don't know for certain what type of law I'd like ... 'm struggling with how much of this should wind up in ...