... I confidently eliminated it during thetest and during BR. I would ... don’t know the magnitude of the change. What if the speed limit is ... believing what is safe the same as actual saftey? What if the violators are ...
... on.
I will take the Dec test.
First PT: RC ... consistent across the two tests. How can I tell what I ... need to work on the most? what is going on in all ... 20-30 PTs before the Dec test, but obviously only if ...
... these seem to break the logic of the argument. I understand ... bridge the gap between the premises and the conclusion. However, the negation test did ... to trust the negation test? Is it that the negation of ... because it reduces the stress? Is the negation of D ...
... this with shoulders free from the heavy panic I was ... a week into the time before the October test. I have been ... and used Kaplan, got the LSAT Trainer and found 7Sage ... PT's between them, like the 30s or something?
... you guys prepping for the Dec. test?
Today, I ... found out that the screw part on the ... to push the reset button? If so, what would be the most ideal ... ? If not, any suggestions on what I should do?
... , but I was scoring in the 150's with BR's ... in the 160's, no where near ... much pressure for the December test, and postponed my test until Feb. I ... me to death to take the December administration so I don ... to study and score in the 170's by December?
Anyone here take thetest in Asia? Based on what I've read ... everyone in Asia had the same test and ... it appears we were given the identical test given ... Dec 2012 in Asia. The RC and ...