... in perspective for me. It wason a post about relearning grammar ... have a lot of options onthelogic. So what they do is they ... good score Onthe hardest questions, the difficulty is often not thelogic at all ...
... story short, I underperform onthe first section because it ... to mistakes towards the end of the section, because ... have less time to answer the harder ones.
< ... "I'm doing hardcore logic for 4 hours" ... currently working on it), but I was wondering if ...
... , I was a bit confused onwhat I should be writing. For logic based ... the standard option was a dual thing where the passage wasonthe side and question onthe ... right side. You could scroll the ...
... helpful in orienting ourselves to whatthe author is thinking and ... of what's going on, then that orientation carries through the rest of the ... myself to focus onthe author and engage with the text and ... realize too late that I was going too fast.
< ...
... am tentatively aiming to take the November 2018 or January 2019 ... timed diagnostic LSAT last week (the June 2007 one) and scored ... achieved this went about it- whatwas your diagnostic score and how ... am planning on it soon. I have already bought the LSAT Trainer ...
Whatwas your point increase from the first PT after curriculum until the first official ... LSAT? I am wondering what kind of ... my first PT after completing the curriculum was a 158. Did anyone ...
... those who took the regular administration on Monday the 23rd. So they ... days later, which is whatwas expected to occur here. ... was going to get a copy (giving a disclosed test onthe ... />
The downside is that the accommodated test yesterday was, by all ...
... I had two logic games sections (which is the section that I ... out of time onthe reading comprehension section. I was unable to answer ... questions from the RC section. I did okay onthe logical reasoning sections but ... school. I don't know what to do because I've ...
... />
I've gone through the entire CC, but i'm ... accuracy. What tools to people use to internalize conditional reasoning translations? the correct answer onthe grounds of it making assumptions. What are ...
... am talking for example the viruses or dinosaurs (PT ...
These are the kinda games that look like ... 't.
However, thelogic is fairly usual when you ... br />
So, when this happens onthe actual PT, esp seeing as ... where one can get the most points, how to ...
What's up guys! After finishing the CC, how did you approach studying for the logical reasoning section? What worked? What didn't work? Thanks in advance.
... to focus onthe structure of the argument instead ... was a bad habit for me.
Now for onthe contrary, the ... the screen between my setup on scratch paper and the test itself onthe monitor was ... comprehend the structure of the passage, which is what ...
... and company,
I was wondering if there is something ... extra time for accommodated testing onthe real LSAT since I have ... set the time to match what I was approved. I want use the digital ... my approved accommodated testing time. The digital LSAT for 7sage is ...
... saw this, I thought it was a manageable study goal. ... for several hours everyday. The thing is that even though ... I'm aiming to take the LSAT in July. I know ... 't want to fall behind onthe core curriculum.
Has ... any of you? if so, what do you do to prevent ...
... to get 23/23 ontheLogic Games section of the LSAT. Mathematically this ... requires some thought onwhatthe question is looking for and whatthe answer choices ... them were Logic Game naturals. For the longest time, Logic Games was my weakest ...
... questions on reading comprehension, and about the same for each logical reasoning section ... , but I still can't make it through all logic ... for improving speed and accuracy onthelogic games section?
If anyone who has taken/will be taking the LSAT has any specific tips that they would be willing to share specifically onthe Analytical Reasoning (logic games) section that would much appreciated.
... got the question wrong onthe blind review and looked at whatthe answer actually was ... I moved on to logicreasoning. Most of my study time was spent onlogicreasoning (I ... intuition for whatthe trick LSAC had up their sleeve was. I would ...
what does this mean for us? well, the first thought ... i had of was, of course, the more competitive application pool ... long time to score high onthe lsat for most people. the previous cycles.
... br />
I was curious if anyone else struggles ... a whooping 7 questions onthe first 2 games ( ... believe they were all from the easier games.
... get the key inferences on hard games, but freezing onthe more ... am at a loss of what to do.
... for PT 89 - I found theLogic Games to be quite challenging ... kind of panic LOL in the middle. But I know ... any advice on dealing with challenging Logic Games sets while taking the test ... ? (e.g. skip the section ...
Looking at the syllabus, it looks like the logical reasoning section goes on for a ... very long time before introducing logic ... some logic game lessons while still in the logical reasoning section of the course ...
... someone explain what effect answer choice E has onthe argument? Doesn ... ’t it point out a flaw since the ... not at all without considering the middle ground?
Does AC A resolve the potential issues with physicians who ...
... am stuck between what to choose onthe various LSAT sections onthe questions I ... when in doubt, and "E" onthe last 5. JY says to ... " when in doubt on 1-20 and "E" onthe last 5 for ... />
I wanna discuss the approach to this question. on the passage", I thought this ... no direct explaination about what's the retributive nature, so ... which is POE and I was left with B. the question stem can lead ...
... />
I was wondering if anybody could give me advice onLogic Games. I ... I focus on LG during the week and then take PTs onthe weekend ... ?
Since my Best score so far on PTs ... of my target score for the school I am looking at ...