@amipp93 Like where in the course are the new problem sets? or wherecan you findthe written explanations to the problems that don't have video explanations by JY?
So... I thought pdfs were not allowed any longer, or we would be able to get them here on 7sage. WherecanI get the pdfs? just Cambridge? I saw some on ebay that people were probably scanning and putting on for sale. Anyone get those?
alright got it wherecanI buy the LSAT trainer, and is there anything else Ican buy before I start the course, you know just to get a head start ? i kind of wanna be familiar with the material before I even start studying.
A follow up question: wherecanIfind common RC prompts and strategies for them. I watched a webinar that Jimmy Dahroug did, and it was very useful. I wanted to know if there was somewhere else I could look though.
... you!!! as I'm going through the CC for LGs, I'm printing ... out the games and ... idea, IMO) - but I have one question: are the games that are ... just some of the games? If it's the latter, wherecanI locate the others?