... would have C as the wronganswer on the basis of the ... motivation are similar between action and inaction.
Whether I ... put in C as a wronganswer without the timing mismatch, because ... look at it this way" answer, andwrong LSAT answers are supposed to ...
... Reviewing is a really intensive and time consuming process. To do ... which you can adopt and use effectively. And then the real fun ... right. Break it down together and find what you did differently ... and where the mistake/s were made that led to the wronganswer ...
I think this ... many situations, not try remaining answer choices once we have identified ... think is the correct answer in LG, and this is reinforced throughout ...
... of the answer choices. In LR, the answer choices themselves ... disguise this in LR and RC. Wronganswer choices can often be ... we recognize that the answer choices themselves do not normally ... that skipping even easily eliminated answer choices is essential to ...
... everyone should painstakingly disprove every wronganswer choice while under the gun ... answerand you don't need to be worried about seeing the wrong ... something's wrong unless you glance through the others and realize "hey ...
1) Know why the wronganswer choices are wrong, and what makes the correct ... one correct. And by ... they say it's a wrong AC, then it's ... wrong AC. Focus your time on understanding the question, the answer choices, and ...
... />
Chronicling the reasons behind my wronganswer choices
This ... think I’ve got something and then I try to write ... of what the answer choice is saying and then the reasons ... either right or wrong. This is an agonizing and time consuming ...
... right answer is right, and you know why each wronganswer is wrong. This ... often easily eliminating three answer choices and then choosing a winner ... if I recognize the correct answer, I’m really only ... able to identify the correct answer, so I sure as ...
... be something that just sits wrong with you, a word ... makes an attractive trap answerwrong. Practice and BR help tremendously with ... that B is definitely, hopelessly wrongand why. Often it's ... subtle clues that make a wronganswerwrong, and that will in turn ...
... and question stem, and you've got to recognize why every right answer ... is right and ... why every wronganswer is wrong. Don ... . There are intangibles and no level of preparedness ...
... Even if you find the answer choice you were anticipating, ... making subtle errors and choosing the attractive wronganswer choice based on ... to find another good answer choice after reading every ... to re-read the stimulus andanswer choices more carefully. This ...
... , only to find another good answer choice after reading every option ... are taught that every wronganswer is 100% wrong, the LSAC wants us ... to find the "best" answer. Sometimes ... just actually out of time, and I need to move on ...
... degree of confidence) to help answer uncertain ones.
... certain powerscore mentions the method and I'm less certain ... after which (I believe and other's opinions also seem ... ) that the quality of wronganswer choices markedly improved in reading ...
... usually find myself reading answer choice E first and reading my way ... last 5 questions, and I "feel" like the answer to those (with ... ) is usually D or E and not A. For parallel reasoning ... had to write 4 lengthy wronganswer choices, and if it were me ...
@"Accounts Playable" said:
4 lengthy wronganswer choices, and if it were me writing the question, I'd make the test taker have to sift through A-D first
... for these types of questions (and it might have been from ... ) is that one of the answer choices should have one of ... your reading. If you're answer choice isnt something one of ... could agree with, its the wronganswer choice.
wrong answer choices. But the ... andwrong becomes truly dichotomous. At that level, even the trickiest wronganswer ... choice should seem just as wrongand ...
... higher proportion of more attractive wronganswer choices. So as an example ... , maybe one of the wronganswer choices which could have been ... for one. Other than that (and that even is debatable), I ... difference between older tests and current trends in LR.
... higher proportion of more attractive wronganswer choices.
I ... saw this post last night and went back to study all ... questions on PT73 very carefully and watched almost all the video ... being aware of the trap answer choices helps. Now, I ...
... scalp when I got it wrong. It definitely taught me ... engaged for every single question and to also not make careless ... order to anticipate the correct answerand not get carelessly caught up ... one of the attractive but wronganswer choices the test makers provide ...
... to know your answer. The problem I have, and so many of ... get emotionally attached to our answer choices. We really want to ... desire to confirm our original answer. The only mark I have ... set aside my timed PT copyand do not look at it ...
... worded, deceptive wronganswer choices. The logic is the same and so are ... less forgiving of your gaps and soft spots. So close your ... gaps and harden your soft spots. The ...
... as well as your answer sheet bubbling and pencil sharpening can't ... if I got every NA and flaw question correct I would ... ability (timed conditions, bubbling, etc) and then to dissect during BR ... lot but the construction of wronganswer choices has not. For flaw ...
... trouble conceptualizing what the answer should be and fall for a trap ... choice or believe all of the answer ... choices are wrong. I recommend drilling level 4 and 5 answer choices ...
... again and figure out why the wronganswer is wrongand what ... , but A is wrong because the line doesn ... for patterns of errors and try to eliminate them. ... wrong in BR that means you're falling for some traps - and ... can't begin to recognize and eliminate them.
... the same topic right now and can provide some direction. ...
2. Be aware and suspicious of extremely strong language ... . Words like "never" and "all" are examples. When ... some of them, the wronganswer choices will become very apparent ...