if you only have until november, you will not fully complete every aspect of 7sage with the time they allot for all items. you will have to either make the lsat a full time job, spend less time on certain aspects, or take the test at a later date
It depends on the proctor, but I found it's easiest to clear anything off the desk beforehand that you won't need for the test, as there is a chance the proctor could ask you to remove items anyways.
for grouping repeating items, the categories that the game ... , the categories that the items get sorted into are interchangeable ... a chart for grouping repeating items than for grouping int. ... ." for a grouping repeating items game, a rule might ...
While studying at home I have my laptop propped up onto a laptop stand (pretty typical, ordered off amazon so I don't strain my neck) as well as a bluetooth mouse. Does anyone know if these items are allowed during the flex?
... : i'd pick a few items that's really important to ... life. in a way, these items are symbolic - they are symbolic ... 't have any of these items, that's fine too. you ...