... similar to the MBT question type except for having the conclusion ... . One strategy for this question type is to scan what is ... , like P: (1) -> (2) C: ~(2) -> ~(1) and find ... necessary assumption, so weaken question type will usually wreck an argument.
... to the MBT question type except for having the ... P: (1) -> (2) C: ~(2) -> ~(1) and find ... assumption, so weaken question type will usually wreck an argument ... />
/O, /A -> C; /C -> O/A or OA ... O/A
B -> /C ...
... Jennifer. Also depending on what type of LR question it is ... sequencing A is before C which is A---C, but we do ... front, after both A&C or just after A. It ...
... (stopped for a while b/c of other commitments). I am ... , but it deserves mention b/c it's true: Speed + accuracy ... during a timed run, b/c you think your understanding is ... if there's a particular type you're missing) or (probably ...
... are a top down question type meaning that the stimulus can ... can not conclude. This question type generally features softer language as ... to improve on this question type.
Sufficient assumption ... A--B or A---B---C or even D. These argument ...
... -to guess option is always C, so if you guess 5 ... questions with C, the likelihood that one of ... a relatively straight forward question type so you lost time in ...
... That 'token bid' will win if there isn't a ... no reserve price, so they win for 10 dollars. ... item for a chance to win. This severely limits the ... sense). They can the win the 600 million dollar item ... answer D.
... concerned with other journals. C) Exactly. This provides some support ... about the frequency of these type of questions. Anyways, the question ... . Similar usage for both. C) Jack misinterprets this.
D ...