I am having trouble viewing the quick view on certian question- it says the link is expired. I can view the question when going to the explination and when looking at earlier tests but not the mid 40+ range tests.
I took the July Flex after 3 months of everyday studying for the LSAT through a different prepcourse. I am wondering how to approach using 7sage to improve my score for a retake, the amount of content is a little overwhelming.
... more "cosmopolitanism," and more theoretical content. We don't know that ... the AC mentions a theme / content that's not found in ... is writing "regional" and "parochial" content, is this going to win ... the regional and parochial content. They value something else.
If I enroll in the monthly course at this time in the month, will the month be considered to have ended four weeks from now or at the end of August? Trying to see when would be most cost-effective for signing up, Thanks!