LSAT 7 – Section 1 – Question 07

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PT7 S1 Q07
Method of reasoning or descriptive +Method
+Harder 147.648 +SubsectionMedium
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This is a Method of Reasoning question, and we know this because of the question stem: “The argument proceeds by..”

The argument starts out by saying that solutions to reduce healthcare costs can’t be found with our current system. Why? Well, because each party is trying to shift the costs onto the next party, including the patients. The author also says this is exactly what happened next in the 1980s reforms, and provides a visual explanation of what happened when we try to cut costs somewhere; it pops up in the same amount elsewhere. Then, he cites an example of this: the government tried to prevent patients from getting certain costs covered and then they had worse conditions afterward.

Lots happening here! The conclusion is the first sentence; everything laid out after lends support to this claim. Everything else is also unsupported and stands alone as premises. The second sentence most directly lends support to the conclusion. The third sentence mentions real life example of the situation described in the previous sentence, and provides a clear analogy to understand how the current healthcare system does not allow for actual cost reduction (push in on cost one place, it pops up somewhere else). The last sentence is just detailing an example of the reform.

Answer Choice (A) The tone of the passage certainly indicates that the author isn’t happy about shifting costs to the patient, but the argument also isn’t showing that shifting costs onto patients is contradictory; they are saying reducing costs under our system isn’t possible.

Answer Choice (B) The author doesn’t attribute fraudulent intent to anyone; he may not be happy about what the government and healthcare providers are doing, but he also is not saying they’re frauds or acting in fraudulent ways.

Correct Answer Choice (C) The argument is implying an analogy! The balloon air is an analogy for costs being passed off. This is how the argument tries to demonstrate the relationship of shifting, not reducing, costs between each party in healthcare.

Answer Choice (D) The author isn’t denying the possibility of a better system, he’s just saying that the one right now... ain’t it.

Answer Choice (E) There was no instance of cooperation in this stimulus.

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