LSAT 9 – Section 2 – Question 11

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PT9 S2 Q11
Method of reasoning or descriptive +Method
+Hardest 149.526 +SubsectionMedium
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We can identify this question as Method of Reasoning because of the question stem: “The argument in the passage proceeds by…”

When dealing with a Method of Reasoning question, we know we are looking for an answer choice that correctly describes the structure of our entire argument. Our correct answer is going to fit the argument exactly. Our wrong answer choices likely explain argument structures we are familiar with, but that simply don’t apply to the specific question we are looking at. Knowing what the right and wrong answers are going to do, we can jump into the stimulus.

The speaker begins by telling us about a fossil discovery. We learn these fossils cast doubt on the theory that dinosaurs are more closely related to reptiles than non-reptile animals. We can identify our first sentence as the conclusion because of the support that follows. After making this claim about the doubt created, the author follows with a series of examples describing how dinosaurs are different from present day reptiles and similar to present day non-reptiles.

Knowing our stimulus lists off the reasons for the author’s main conclusion, we can proceed into answer choice elimination.

Answer Choice (A) We can eliminate this answer choice due to the language “erroneous information.” Our speaker bases their conclusion on reasons for their position rather than accusing the opposition of having bad information.

Answer Choice (B) This answer choice is incorrect due to the suggested ordering of events in our stimulus. This answer accuses the argument of establishing a general principle followed by a conclusion. Knowing our stimulus begins with a conclusion and follows with explanation, we can eliminate this answer choice.

Answer Choice (C) For this answer to be correct, our argument needs to make a conclusion about the premises. We can eliminate this option because our conclusion surrounds the relationships of dinosaurs (definitely not a modern-day subject) to other animals.

Answer Choice (D) This answer choice goes beyond what our argument concludes. While this answer choice asserts the speaker draws a conclusion about all things with some quality belonging in a category. But our conclusion is specific to what we know about dinosaurs. We can eliminate this answer because it goes far beyond the content we can confirm from the stimulus.

Correct Answer Choice (E) This is exactly what we are looking for. This is the only answer choice that accurately describes how the author concludes how a past phenomena (dinosaurs) is related to one one rather than the other possible group.


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