Live Sessions and Webinars

Sufficient and Necessary Assumptions · Bailey Luber

Event Series Sufficient and Necessary Assumptions
Logical Reasoning Difficulty: Moderate Sufficient Assumption Necessary Assumption Pace: Moderate

Sufficient and necessary conditions are some of the most common logical elements encountered in logical reasoning. Easily confused with each other and often unintuitive, they can make for some truly hard SA and NA questions! This class will cover the concepts and strategies that are essential for effectively navigating both question types. Difficulty: 3-5 stars […]

RC: Law Passages · Bailey Luber

Event Series RC Passage Topics
Reading Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Pace: Moderate

Law passages are one of the four major categories that passages on the LSAT fall into. Often featuring esoteric or unintuitive concepts, they can be quite challenging! Learn the ins and outs of this passage topic while working through an example law passage. Difficulty: 1-5 Stars Pace: 1-2 Passages Join After the session, you can […]

Speed Drill: 10 in 10 · Bailey Luber

Event Series Speed Drills
Logical Reasoning Difficulty: Moderate Pace: Fast

Drilling is one of the most important elements of your study plan, but drilling effectively isn’t always intuitive. This class will start with a 10 in 10 drill (first 10 questions of a section completed in 10 minutes) that students will complete on their own. Afterwards, the instructor will lead the class in a rapid […]

RC Gossip Hour — CANCELLED · Bailey Luber

Event Series Spilling the RC Tea
Pace: Moderate Difficulty: Moderate Reading Comprehension

Unfortunately, this week's class has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Turn boring RC passages into the juiciest gossip of your life! In this class, we'll read through the passage together, treating each sentence like the latest scandal—livening up your LSAT prep while mastering the material. We’ll spill the tea on mastering RC! Passage Difficulty: […]

Reading Comprehension with 7Sage [Cancelled] · Bailey Luber

Event Series Reading Comprehension with 7Sage
All Levels Reading Comprehension Free

Note: due to unforeseen circumstances, this session has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience! Join us for a free, interactive live class on LSAT Reading Comprehension! This live class offers a sample of the in-depth strategies and expert advice found in 7Sage’s live classes. Class Resources: Difficulty: 1-3 stars Pace: 1 Passage

Confidence Boosters: LR Edition [Cancelled] · Bailey Luber

Event Series Confidence Boosters: LR Edition
Logical Reasoning Difficulty: Foundational Pace: Slow

Note: due to unforeseen circumstances, this session has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience! Struggling with LR? This class is your safe space for building confidence, one question at a time. Let’s work through it together—no pressure, just progress! You’ll work methodically with your instructor: breaking down the stimulus, evaluating each answer choice, and […]

Point at Issue: Agree or Disagree · Bailey Luber

Event Series Point at Issue: Agree or Disagree
Logical Reasoning Difficulty: Moderate Point at Issue: Agree or Disagree Pace: Moderate

One of the most atypical question types, Point at Issue questions ask us to pinpoint where two arguments differ or align without getting distracted by other elements in the split stimulus. Learn how should your approach differ when there are two arguments to consider, and how to avoid the red herrings this question type often […]

RC: Science Passages · Bailey Luber

Event Series RC Passage Topics
Reading Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Pace: Moderate

Science passages are one of the four major categories that passages on the LSAT fall into. Often featuring technical concepts and dense language, they can be quite challenging! Learn the ins and outs of this passage topic while working through an example science passage. Difficulty: 1-5 Stars Pace: 1-2 Passages Join After the session, you […]

Speed Drill: 10 in 10 · Bailey Luber

Event Series Speed Drills
Logical Reasoning Difficulty: Moderate Pace: Fast

Drilling is one of the most important elements of your study plan, but drilling effectively isn’t always intuitive. This class will start with a 10 in 10 drill (first 10 questions of a section completed in 10 minutes) that students will complete on their own. Afterwards, the instructor will lead the class in a rapid […]

RC Gossip Hour · Bailey Luber

Event Series Spilling the RC Tea
Reading Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Pace: Moderate

Turn boring RC passages into the juiciest gossip of your life! In this class, we'll read through the passage together, treating each sentence like the latest scandal—livening up your LSAT prep while mastering the material. We’ll spill the tea on mastering RC! Passage Difficulty: 1-5 stars Pace: 1 passage Join After the session, you can […]