News and tips about the LSAT and law school admissions

Posts by Jacob Baska

With July days now beginning with the digit “2,” orientation is just three to four weeks away for most law schools. This means that law school AdComms are balancing the […]

Now that law school admissions officers have returned from the Washington, D.C. Law Forum and are hopefully done refamiliarizing themselves with how to navigate their university’s travel reimbursement forms, they […]

As law school admissions officers load up on sunscreen and charcoal while waiting for the end of the week, we—the general law school admissions fans of which there are no […]

Looking for the July 3 blog? Click here. With last week’s heat wave finally breaking over the eastern half of the United States, law school AdComms are spending the week […]

With Memorial Day in the past and with the conclusion of their children’s academic year hurtling towards them at light speed, law school admissions officers find themselves straddling the line […]

As May continues forward with all of its typical pomp and pollen, law school admissions officers are caught between the rush of the spring and the doldrums of the upcoming […]