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Trouble Identifying Assumptions

cweyhofencweyhofen Free Trial Member

Hey everyone,

I'm having trouble clearly identifying the assumptions in logical reasoning questions. I understand the difference between necessary vs. sufficient assumptions, overlooked possibilities & mismatched concepts. But, during my timed practices, the assumption is not clicking in my head. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Maybe even a new way of approaching the stimulus?


  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma

    @cweyhofen said:
    Hey everyone,

    I'm having trouble clearly identifying the assumptions in logical reasoning questions. I understand the difference between necessary vs. sufficient assumptions, overlooked possibilities & mismatched concepts. But, during my timed practices, the assumption is not clicking in my head. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Maybe even a new way of approaching the stimulus?

    A helpful route if you're not going to go with 7sage's curriculum is LSAT trainer, specifically the chapters on flaws (which really should be called "assumptions"). There's a lot of drilling in those chapters to help you see some very common LSAT assumptions.

  • nessa.k13.0nessa.k13.0 Inactive ⭐
    4141 karma

    Yeah I'll second what Dave said^ definitely review the lessons on assumptions and come up with more examples of what sufficient assumptions and necessary assumptions are. Also yes the Trainer has a ton of examples and drills that you can practice assumptions with

  • tjphilbricktjphilbrick Alum Member
    174 karma

    I'll add that this kind of thing just takes time. It took me a while before things started to click, and I just had to keep drilling assumption questions with the AC's covered up so that I was forced to think through all the possibilities for assumptions. Keep up the good work, you'll get there!

  • Pi031415Pi031415 Alum Member
    248 karma

    Wow props peeps. The LSAT trainer flaws section was king!!!

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