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Hey All,
Games are by far my weakest section. The foolproofing method is working wonders, thank goodness.
I am slowly working my way through the CC, but I'm finding that the game sections are placed really, really late . I skipped ahead to the sequencing games and spatial games so I could start FP'ing those and it worked well for me. Does anyone see any downsides to skipping ahead to the other game types as well? I know the general advice is to move through the curriculum as given, but I'd like to be FP'ing as I go through the CC (it's worked out really well for me to do 3 or 4 new games a day as a sort of warm-up to the CC content) and I'm out of spatial and sequencing games. Also, if I wait so long to start the later game types, I don't think I'll get through it all and give myself enough time to really improve on my weakest area.
I feel a sense of urgency and a need to move these up also because I must, MUST sit for the September exam. I'm gonna anticipate your responses here telling me to wait until I feel my score is +5 of my goal, and that's all well and good, but there is such a thing as "real life" and right now my parents are graciously allowing me space to live and study rent-free, but only if I take it in September. I may be able to pull off taking it again in December if I really need to, but I can't count on that.
You have to take in September or your parents are going to kick you out?
Do what you have to, but if it comes down to it, I'd get a job and start paying them rent. People just don't fathom how big an investment law school is. I was actually on the phone with a 7Sager yesterday and we were talking about this.
Come to NYC and see all the "lawyers" who work at Barnes and Nobles and selling Geico insurance because they didn't want to take the LSAT when they were ready. It's actually pretty astonishing. Get the best LSAT score you can at any nearly any cost. Even if it means taking longer (years), working PT to pay rent, whatever. 200k loans from NYLS isn't worth the rush. If you want to be a lawyer, and have a chance at being a successful one, take your time with the test.
Then again. maybe you'll be ready for September? You do have a few months which is enough for plenty of people to do well enough. Just depends on what your target score is? And where you're at now, if you've taken a diagnostic?
Anyways, sorry for the diatribe I just always make it my first priority that people understand that getting a legal job right now from a bad school is not easy. Putting 250k+ debt on top of it makes people suicidal. Seen it too often not to say something.
In all honesty, I would go in order. I just think the course is set up to work out just right lesson wise.
Good luck!
ETA: Downsides to skipping to the other games? Yeah. I think you will almost certainly miss some important exercises and lessons that prepare you for those games. when rules trigger, diagramming advanced rules, etc.
@tmgomez2 I'm not sure where you are in the curriculum but if you haven't been through the logic lessons yet you could get killed on the games. Sometimes the language trips you up. You may not see the success you want if you skip ahead beforehand. I tried it as well because LG was the only thing that made sense to me. There was only so much I could do though as far as brute force under time constraints. Take away the time and I was golden!
Actually, IIRC @tanes256 makes a great point. I'm fairly certain that I purchased and began 7Sage just for games. It did not work well because of this exact reason.
I very much appreciate the genuine advice, but I think I was fairly clear. I am totally aware of the risks, downsides, ill-advice, etc, but I must take in September. That's a non-negotiable for me. I may be able to retake in December, but given that I have to at least sit in September, I may as well aim to do the best I can. I do completely understand the importance of doing my absolute best on the LSAT (I lurk on these forums far too much not to know), but for me, it has to be within limits. If this means I don't do well and I don't make it to a top school that makes it worth it to go to law school--I just won't go. I'm ok with that. (And I do have a job, due to other money stuff I'm doing the best I can but I can't pay rent without a second job, and with a second job I wasn't studying.)
I was lucky to have a fairly high diagnostic and I did really well in both LR and RC. I lost most of my points, by far, on LG. I only made it through two games. That's why I'd like to prioritize it.
I should have added in my original question that I read through PS's LGB and did all of their exercises. I also have gone through all of the Argument and "Lawgic" portions of the CC. I'm just having trouble sitting through hours of RC and LR knowing that my toughest section is still ahead of me. And I need time to be able to FP those games, so honestly I'm surprised they're placed so late anyways. And I love using the games to warm up, but I'm out of sequencing/spatial all signs are pointing to yes I should skip to the next game type while moving ahead in the CC, unless there is a specific reason not to?
That being said,
Do you know specifically what lessons you're talking about? I'll gladly watch those before I skip ahead but unless I am very, very mistaken, I don't see what, let's say, the "Intro to RC" section on the CC has to do with skipping to Grouping Games....I'm assuming diagramming would be discussed in the game's own section?
Hey, I get it.
No, I don't recall the particular lessons you should watch before attempting the games lessons. Again, you'll probably be fine. I'd just personally go in order. But if you've gone through the bibles you should know enough to be ok skipping ahead.
Edit: I agree with what Alex Divine and Tanes said completely, but if you are certain you want to rush through the cc I would target the lawgic foundational lessons and the valid/invalid arguments.
(I had written a long post about how many of us have made the mistake about rushing through the curriculum and slow and steady wins the race, but it appears you have certain priorities that you need to deal with).
Yeah, it sucks when you're caught in a situation where you have to take the test. Just remember, op, you don't HAVE to do anything. It's just something that you're kind of being forced into. At the end of the day though, it might be best to speak with your parents and explain to them the gravity of this test and how much money (scholarships, acceptances, and opportunity) ride on this test. Perhaps then they would consider giving you until December.
I always hate to see people forced into taking. Even with the new unlimited takes rule, a bad score is never going to look good.
In any case, as @sweetsecret said make sure you hit the Lawgic section. That's what I was thinking of. Then with your background in Powerscore LG, I think you'll be alright just fool proofing the games. You always have the free videos to utilize as well!
Good luck!
Thank you all for your thoughts! You've really given me a lot to think about and added some motivation to my personal goals
I know it's an uphill battle but hopefully I'll be one of the one's back here afterwards to say it is doable.
@tanes256 Thanks for the pointer about the logic, after going through it I can definitely see how it's essential for the games.
@"Alex Divine" I do really appreciate all the advice, and I know I technically don't HAVE to, but for various reasons I think it's best. I originally was supposed to test in June, and already pushed it to September, so at this point it's kind of a must, and I'm excited to work hard this summer for it!
@sweetsecret Thanks for the edit. I'm fully planning on doing the CC completely, and so far I haven't felt a need to rush very much, but I do want to shift the games earlier. I've gone through the Lawgic and valid/invalid but I definitely have some reviewing and memorizing to do, so I'll keep hitting that before I move on to the games. Thank you.
@tmgomez2 no problem! Good luck! You got this!
@tmgomez2 no problem! Good luck!!
One of the things I did while going through the cc was redoing the drills/quizzes/flashcards until I was at 100%.
SweetSecret is my new fav haha... I literally went through those quizzes and cards daily. I still do for the argument forms and every few weeks just to stay fresh. They only take a moment and this is amazing advice!