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Most vulnerable to criticism

needmylsat180needmylsat180 Alum Member

In approaching those "most vulnerable to criticism" question, do you guys think I can treat it as a weakening question and if the AC is correct, it will weaken the argument? Any other suggestion to solve this type?


  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    "Most vulnerable to criticism" is an example of a Flaw question stem. You do not have to weaken the argument at all. Instead, you have to find the AC that describes why the argument is already weak/flawed. That is why Flaw questions are also known as Descriptive Weakening questions.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    Yeah, I wouldn't think of it as a weaken question. Just go with the AC that describes what the argument is doing wrong, not something that would weaken it.

  • Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
    776 karma

    Look for the flaw in the argument and describe it. Works the best.

  • needmylsat180needmylsat180 Alum Member
    175 karma

    @Freddy_D @TheMikey i usually have trouble prephrasing the flaw of an argument and this type of question is keeping me away from achieving a higher score, so im trying to find a strategy that could quickly lead to a correct AC. What method do you guys usually use when you are under time pressure?

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @needmylsat180 said:
    @Freddy_D @TheMikey i usually have trouble prephrasing the flaw of an argument and this type of question is keeping me away from achieving a higher score, so im trying to find a strategy that could quickly lead to a correct AC. What method do you guys usually use when you are under time pressure?

    Pay attention to the support and conclusion.. What are they concluding? Why are they concluding this? literally tell yourself "they are concluding ____ because of _____". There will always be a gap. Think of what they are doing. If you were told the argument by a person and wanted to call them out and tell them they are a moron because they did something, what would it be? Do this with flaw questions.

    For example, if they are concluding that smoking causes cancer from the premise that there are some people who got cancer from smoking, what is the gap? Well, you can't say just because something happens to some that the "cause" is in fact a cause. You would choose an AC that describes what they did, in this case it would be something with correlation/causation. It may not always say those words, but they can tell you something like 'fails to consider that there may be another cause' or some crap like that.

    I don't really know how else others approach flaw questions, but I just approach it by doing the "they are concluding ____ because of _____" thing.

  • needmylsat180needmylsat180 Alum Member
    175 karma

    @TheMikey great! i will try that, thank you!

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