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GPA Addendum

Newbie 7sager (?) and first-time poster here. My question is regarding GPA addenda. The general advice, I see, is to write one to explain an upward or downward trend in one's GPA. What happens if one's GPA was all over the place? I was an Econ and Math major. I ended up hating Economics, and my grades in my Econ courses reflect that. I loved Math, and those courses, for the most past, saved my GPA (3.42). How do you recommend I go about explaining this in my addendum? Should I even bother with an addendum at all?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @Sk210367 said:
    Newbie 7sager (?) and first-time poster here. My question is regarding GPA addenda. The general advice, I see, is to write one to explain an upward or downward trend in one's GPA. What happens if one's GPA was all over the place? I was an Econ and Math major. I ended up hating Economics, and my grades in my Econ courses reflect that. I loved Math, and those courses, for the most past, saved my GPA (3.42). How do you recommend I go about explaining this in my addendum? Should I even bother with an addendum at all?

    I don't know if "hating" your Econ courses will be a good enough reason to write an addendum. I personally wouldn't write an addendum unless there was so outside hardship that caused your grades to be low.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    I'd say no. Disliking a major isn't really a good reason for an addendum, imo. Just apply and see what happens. if they for some reason ask you about it in an interview then just tell them, but yeah don't do the addendum

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