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Deciding when to take the LSAT?

britgar.09britgar.09 Free Trial Member
edited December 2017 in General 6 karma

Hi everyone,

I am currently trying to decide whether to take the February 2018 LSAT or the June 2018 LSAT. Starting my studies, I knew I wanted to get at least a 173. So, when I started studying in June of 2017 and got a 153, I was a little worried. However, I took a course and finished with a 165 in September of 2017. I had to take basically a semester off from studying, and have just been able to get back into it since school ended for winter break. My strategy now is to take around 3 tests a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). I've been able to take four tests so far, and I've gotten a 166, 167, 170, and 174 in that order. Since I have improved a lot in a short period, I was thinking that it would be okay to take the February LSAT so long as I continue to consistently score in 170s, preferably above 172. My only concern is that I improved by 9 points basically in a week and a half, and I guess it hasn't soaked in yet that I'm in my desired range. It would make me feel a lot better if I consistently scored in my target range for a long time. However, it would be really nice to get the LSAT out of the way, and I am worried that I will run out of practice tests to take between now and June.

What do you think?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    If you feel ready for Feb, why not plan to take it both in Feb and June? From my experience, it's not terribly uncommon for people to need a take or two to hit their score range on a real LSAT. Nerves and whatnot can knock a couple points off. Also, luck unofficially counts for +/- 2.6 points.

    If you don't feel ready for Feb, just take in June. Take repeat PTs and do other drills to help boost your score. PTs aren't really where we improve much anyway. BR and drilling is where we cultivate our skills and consistency.

  • Tom_TangoTom_Tango Alum Member
    902 karma


  • cgracia12cgracia12 Alum Member
    737 karma

    Telling you from experience that burnout is real, and I really regret not taking while I had momentum going.

    Since you're doing awesome, I'd say keep doing whatever is working to keep the momentum and take February. Best of luck!

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