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LG using lines as game board

Christina-5Christina-5 Alum Member
in Logic Games 150 karma

I am currently in my foolproof stage and I am starting to notice some of the games repeat when it comes to set up and even with rules but I am having lots of trouble finding a way to approach games that require you to use lines as a game broad setup. I normally read the game a few times then when I notice I can’t figure a way out to set it up i end up watching the explanation video: example game PT 18 game 3.
Help please.....What are some of your methods that help with games like these?

Also what are some methods to saving time when doing LG. Because I also notice that when I try to do a game in 5mins if I spend even just a few extra seconds on organizing the game broad I can’t get to all the question. And I rather be accurate than fast. But as we all know that won’t help me get anywhere if I’m not accurate and somewhat fast


  • TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
    1723 karma

    This is a miscellaneous game which means it has no normal procedure. Typically these take longer than your average game. Most times you just have to "play along" (rule driven game). I don't have the rules in front of me but I'm pretty sure that this was one of the more friendlier games where it actually gave you a board. But a lot of times they don't give you much to work with, which means the questions will drive most of the game (they will dictate the situation and you will apply the rules given accordingly).

    While misc. games are not as common as your standard games are, they are apparently making a come back so it is wise to be familiar with them. Don't freeze up when you come across one but just start writing stuff down....anything haha. The worst thing you can do is waste precious seconds doing nothing. Having something visual helps tremendously and you can adjust it as you go; sometimes the questions themselves help you draw a clearer picture of what is going on.

    Hope that helps! Misc. games are quite tricky but can be overcome! Good Luck!

  • Christina-5Christina-5 Alum Member
    150 karma

    @akeegs92 thank you i am currently trying it out again before i watch the video. i will play around with it a bit

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