Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). I took a 5 month hiatus from studying...help. - 7Sage Forum

I took a 5 month hiatus from studying...help.

Sara_3080Sara_3080 Alum Member
edited October 2018 in General 432 karma



  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    2124 karma

    Welcome back to the grind! I think you should work through the CC first. I highly doubt that you've forgotten everything. You might feel a little rusty on some things but on others you might have a better understanding due to the time away from the material. Don't overwhelm yourself with so much especially since you're just getting into studying again. Go for quality rather than quantity, so basically whatever time you decide to block off for studying try to give your all, but once you feel your loosing your focus don't try to force yourself to study.

    Is July 23 possible? I believe so, but that depends on your goal score and where you're at now.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    I took a six month break from the LSAT too to focus on finishing up my undergrad and I agree with Kermit that it's better to go through the CC first. Also, this way you might have forgottten the bad habits that you picked up (I know I did!) I found that going through the CC again helped to drill in the fundamentals that I hadn't grasped the first time around, especially things that I didn't even know I didn't know. The stress of the exam might have also been because you had pressured yourself to take it by a certain date and studying for that date. It might be helpful to slowly get back into the grind and choose a date based on where you are in regards to goal score as opposed to the other way around. July is possible but September or even December might be better based on how the studying goes for you. I'm not doubting your capabilities but just keep your options open as you get back into it and don't get stressed out too much. Good luck!

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