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at 7 weeks away mark for Dec takers!

LeoFiro8LeoFiro8 Alum Member
edited October 2014 in General 244 karma
Now that we are (December test takers) getting closer to the test day, I'm wondering where one should be today in terms of understanding the material/fundamentals (how to set up games, knowing LR questions types, Not losing focus on the RC), Reading the passage on time, getting through a whole section of LR or RC or Games to be scoring in mid-high 60's 7 weeks away from now and How should one's schedule look like to achieve that ?


  • mcrblack5mcrblack5 Alum Member
    42 karma
    IMO you should have a general understanding of all sections. It's okay to still be missing a few inferences on LG's or identifying a LR question incorrectly, but you should know by now how to attack each question.

    If it's anything like myself, you should be taking full simulated pretests. This will help you identify what weakness you need to work on, while increasing your speed.

    My 7 weeks out schedule looks like this:

    Monday - Preptest in the AM, blind review in the after noon
    Tuesday - Go over missed questions from previous test, review LG's
    Wednesday- Preptest in the AM, blind review in the after noon
    Thursday - Tuesday - Go over missed questions from previous test, review RC
    Friday - Preptest in the AM, blind review in the after noon
    Sat - Preptest in AM, blind review whenever, go over wrong questions
    Sunday - Relax, Review LR rules, maybe a few LG
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    Wow, four prep tests a week? That's crazy. I need to step up my game. I've been pacing with only two prep tests a week but I've realized that if I want to do at least 16 prep tests by the 7 week mark, I need to start doing three a week.
  • joegotbored-1joegotbored-1 Alum Member
    802 karma
    I'm waiting on my September score to see if I need to retake (goal was 167+) but if I do decide to retake, I'll go back to my previous regimen of between 4-5 complete timed PTs per week. I work full time so my schedule during the week is mostly drills on LG with the occasional LR set mixed in if I'm struggling on a question type. Friday mornings I would take off from work to do a PT, /br when I get back home. Saturday I did two PTs with BR mid-day and then again after the second test in the evening. Sunday I would do at least one test, and sometimes two if I felt I had the energy. BR takes a lot out of me so I was careful to not overdo it.

    If you want to be scoring in the high 160s or break into the 170s, you need to have taken as many timed PTs as you can get your hands on. The more practice you have, the higher your score. You have to balance burnout with endurance. Remember, your score will typically be the average of your last 5 PTs +- 3 points. So, do as much practice as you can! Get that average up and keep it up consistently.
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    Really good tips here. I'm definitely going to try and do as many PTs as possible now. The only thing I'm concerned about is blind reviewing too quickly and not absorbing all of the information and learning from my mistakes.
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    @matt1234567 that was exactly my thought. At first I was only going to do two a week to maximize review... but now I feel as if I should do three. Def won't do more than three tho, personally!
  • turnercmturnercm Alum Member 🍌
    edited October 2014 770 karma
    @jasonawdriscoll's thread suggests blind reviewing the day after you PT. I love the idea of blind reviewing the following day and giving your brain a chance to rest. I'll be doing this from now until December, because trying PT+BR in the same day didn't help me retain too much information. Maybe try separating the two?

    (i should also note that in that thread its a 2PT day one, BR+lessons day two, and PT+BR day three cycle. That way you still have time for plenty of preptests. this is also pretty intense though! original thread is:
  • LeoFiro8LeoFiro8 Alum Member
    244 karma
    thank you everyone
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