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Big AR Improvement

christopherdwhite1979christopherdwhite1979 Alum Member
in General 29 karma

I want to thank you guys especially for the logic games explanations. From my first diagnostic to my most recent PT, I improved my AR from -13 to -2. It's not a fluke. I'm not a genius. I'm a regular guy who spent the time to learn the wisdom offered here. Thank you so much. You've helped me tremendously as I prepare for the September exam


  • DrewJorgy22DrewJorgy22 Alum Member
    2 karma

    Good job dude!! How long did that take you??

  • christopherdwhite1979christopherdwhite1979 Alum Member
    29 karma

    It took a month. June 6th - July 3rd. I put in two hours a day on AR before id go to work, trying to master all four games in one PT each day. Now, I work for the USPS so when I'm out delivering the mail I get the chance to think about the games too...different ways to look at problems and solutions. One day everything just clicked. I'm not sure how or why. It just did. Repetition is the mother of learning and it paid off. One month - most days doing 5-7am studying. 10 right to 21 right.

  • ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
    905 karma

    @christopherdwhite1979 said:
    It took a month. June 6th - July 3rd. I put in two hours a day on AR before id go to work, trying to master all four games in one PT each day. Now, I work for the USPS so when I'm out delivering the mail I get the chance to think about the games too...different ways to look at problems and solutions. One day everything just clicked. I'm not sure how or why. It just did. Repetition is the mother of learning and it paid off. One month - most days doing 5-7am studying. 10 right to 21 right.

    What general tips would you give to someone struggling with lg ?

  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    @ebalde1234 said:
    What general tips would you give to someone struggling with lg ?

    Remember that everything is formulaic. Break it down as much as you can before you continue.
    Be okay with ambiguity, but draw a fine line between ambiguity and completing gameboards.
    Make sure you spend time working out inferences.
    Lastly, work through them in areas that make you uncomfortable e.g. public transit, coffee shop, etc. Where they are so formulaic, it can be easy to go on autopilot and this can help prevent that.

  • ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
    905 karma

    @JustDoIt said:

    @ebalde1234 said:
    What general tips would you give to someone struggling with lg ?

    Remember that everything is formulaic. Break it down as much as you can before you continue.
    Be okay with ambiguity, but draw a fine line between ambiguity and completing gameboards.
    Make sure you spend time working out inferences.
    Lastly, work through them in areas that make you uncomfortable e.g. public transit, coffee shop, etc. Where they are so formulaic, it can be easy to go on autopilot and this can help prevent that.

    Thank you

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