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Parallel Flaw questions

NathanialNathanial Alum Member
edited November 2014 in General 124 karma
Hi There,

Just wanted some on advice on these questions. I'm still having a little difficulty with these questions but am slowly getting better. Im able to see the flaw in the paragraph but have a hard time matching it to another statement. Is this something you just get better at with time?



  • LSATislandLSATisland Free Trial Inactive Sage
    1878 karma
    Try thinking of the argument conceptually. Take a step back and see how the argument is working without getting bogged down in the details. For example, you can say: "oh, this is a causation argument where it mistakes correlation to causation -- i.e. it thinks that just because there is a correlation between A and B, then A must have caused B. When you see arguments (including the answer choices) in abstract form, it will be clearer as to which argument is similar in form.
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