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Moving test date?

KlaraHenryKlaraHenry Alum Member
in General 57 karma

Hi all. I'm signed up for the September 2018 test. I work full-time as a paralegal and this summer has been an absolute nightmare as two of my colleagues left for medical reasons and work has piled up, leaving almost no time to study. I'm moving much slower in my prep as a result, and am strongly considering taking the test at a later date since I'm not in a huge rush to apply to law school this fall.

That said, has anyone postponed their test due to feeling unprepared? I think I read somewhere that it's possible to push your test to a different this something LSAC handles? I'm also not sure (given how unpredictable work is) if I want to move it to November or to January--does anyone know if you need to commit to a new date, or if there's a more general rescheduling voucher (for lack of a better word) to delay your test if you've already paid to take it on one day? Any advice is appreciated!


  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    2124 karma

    Since you're not in a rush to apply to law school this fall and you seem to have a lot on your plate right now, it might be best not to really focus on a specific date, but rather on getting to a point where you're confident enough to sit for the exam. There will be more test dates in the future so I highly advice you not to take the test until you're prepared.I've postponed before and I don't regret. I knew I needed more time to study.

    I believe you can cancel and register for another test all on the LSAC website. If you end up registering for Nov/Jan and you realize that you're not ready, you can cancel, but keep in mind that you might not get a refund.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    You have to postpone for a specific date I believe, not just a voucher type scenario. I second @Kermit750 if you're not in a rush to apply it might be better to wait till you're pt-ing in your goal range till you sign up .

  • KlaraHenryKlaraHenry Alum Member
    57 karma

    thank you both! this is helpful!

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Yes, I've moved test dates twice because of not being ready. You have to select a new test date, and you can only choose from the dates that are currently available for registration (which as of right now are November and January). The fee for that is $125. Alternatively, you can cancel and get a refund of $50. The deadline for both of those options is August 14th. You can log in to your LSAC account and go to the LSAT section and handle it there.

    I would highly recommend not taking the LSAT until you feel ready. You could take this one and cancel your score, but it makes more sense to just push back and wait until you feel prepared. No use in having a lower score on record than you are capable of.

    Good luck!

  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    I would postpone. You can transfer your test date or straight up cancel it. The benefit to transferring is strictly financial, and the test date has to be currently open for registration.

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