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Difficulty of tests

LSATStudent780LSATStudent780 Alum Member
in General 102 karma

Is there any way to know how difficult the certain practice tests are? I am just starting to take the tests because I finished the CC. I wanted to know if some are "easier" than others. Thank you!


  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    When you score your tests in Analytics, you'll be able to see a difficulty rating for each of the sections. Some tests end up a little easier than others, but the grading scale is unique for each test and makes your score relatively consistent.

    That said, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. The sections vary in difficulty and my score dips on any test that has particularly challenging RC, for example. So there will always be outliers, but generally the scoring among tests is relatively consistent.

  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    Any of the exams on this list are not going to be easier than average haha.

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