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What Lessons Should I Go Back and Review?

Good day to all! I need some help. I am always getting these type of questions wrong and have decided to make a brief overview of the typical question in the hopes that someone can PLEASE help. :)

Most strongly supports/stregthens/weakens/expresses/describes.

Is there a general strategy to these type of questions that any of you Jedi Masters have helped you to get these questions right?

Much appreciated and good luck to all!


  • renatozapatagarciarenatozapatagarcia Alum Member
    41 karma


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I would definitely go back and watch the relevant lessons for all of those types of questions. If you weren't doing this already, attempt to answer the question before watching the video, that way you can see where you went wrong (if you didn't understand the question/answer). I would also take a moment to reflect after each video- don't immediately rush to the next lesson. Make a note on every lesson of what you learned. It doesn't have to be something huge or even new every single time, it could just be "remember XYZ" or "this question reinforces the importance of understanding X." Also, watch the videos at regular speed (don't speed them up). After doing this, go through the easy problem sets, but don't worry about timing yourself at this point. If you're getting all of the questions of a certain type wrong, then your focus should be on gaining that fundamental understanding rather than speed. Speed will come. Finally, if you run out of practice sets, go to your question bank and sort according to what question you want. It'll tell you the section and question numbers of those problems in all of the PTs you have available. Go through and cut out those question types to make yourself your own practice sets. You'll need to purchase more PTs for when you're ready to do full timed PTs, but it's better to do that with newer tests anyway, so don't feel bad about picking apart the older PTs to improve on these question types.

  • renatozapatagarciarenatozapatagarcia Alum Member
    41 karma

    @MissChanandler said:
    I would definitely go back and watch the relevant lessons for all of those types of questions. If you weren't doing this already, attempt to answer the question before watching the video, that way you can see where you went wrong (if you didn't understand the question/answer). I would also take a moment to reflect after each video- don't immediately rush to the next lesson. Make a note on every lesson of what you learned. It doesn't have to be something huge or even new every single time, it could just be "remember XYZ" or "this question reinforces the importance of understanding X." Also, watch the videos at regular speed (don't speed them up). After doing this, go through the easy problem sets, but don't worry about timing yourself at this point. If you're getting all of the questions of a certain type wrong, then your focus should be on gaining that fundamental understanding rather than speed. Speed will come. Finally, if you run out of practice sets, go to your question bank and sort according to what question you want. It'll tell you the section and question numbers of those problems in all of the PTs you have available. Go through and cut out those question types to make yourself your own practice sets. You'll need to purchase more PTs for when you're ready to do full timed PTs, but it's better to do that with newer tests anyway, so don't feel bad about picking apart the older PTs to improve on these question types.

    Thank you!!!! Much appreciated. Hope you have an incredible day and I will be going back to the fundamentals as you said.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    No problem! It's really helped me to improve on specific question types. As a bonus, it makes me feel extra confident about them. Maybe your least favorite types will become your best after a while!

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