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janelleengjanelleeng Alum Member
in General 154 karma

Hello all,

So, I've been talking to people about which law schools I'm thinking of applying to this fall. I mentioned Hofstra and New York law school because I live in NY. People were saying my chances of becoming an attorney and practicing law are very slim if I attend the tier 4 schools. I don't want to go into Big law and my ideal career goal is to be an assistant district attorney at a local DA's office. I'm thinking of these schools because with my stats, I feel that the scholarship would be pretty generous. Was anyone told the same thing? Does anyone know people who went to tier 4 law schools and had difficulty finding ADA or any small law firm positions? Thank you!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    It’s pretty reasonable to shoot for a scholarship from a tier 2 or mid-low tier 1. What are your stats?

  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    edited August 2018 4850 karma

    Look at each school’s 509 and ABA Employment data. Those two data sources are much more reliable than “a guy who I know” tends to be.

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