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GPA Addendum

cfedockcfedock Member
edited October 2018 in General 11 karma

Saw the other thread about writing a GPA Addendum and I was wondering if my situation would apply/it would be worth it. I have a cumulative GPA of a 2.91(Yeah I know) due to a couple of instances that occurred throughout my collegiate career. The first 3 semesters of college my GPA was a 3.2/3.6/3.98 until the spring semester my sophomore year. The night before the first day of classes I was involved in a DUI Hit-and-Run in which I hit my head on the window and suffered severe trauma to my brain. I was on academic accommodation's for pretty much the entire semester and ended up getting around a 2.1. Following that semester I transferred to ASU and got around a 3.0-3.2 the rest of the time that I was in school. The reason I was wondering if I should write an addendum is because I had a strong GPA up until my accident and noticeably had to work harder in school and to pay for my bills because of the trauma and financial obligations that arouse due to the accident. If I wrote an addendum I would probably approach it from the point of view that the accident made it to where I needed to work harder in and out of school due to the cost both mentally and financially. Wonder what you all think, any feedback/input is appreciated! I took the LSAT last year and got a 150, had a little bit of bubbling error due to me rushing. Taking it again in November and should hopefully bring my score closer to the 160s

EDIT: I was the one hit by the drunk driver. Wasn't sure if that was clear.


  • cfedockcfedock Member
    11 karma

    anyone have any advice?

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    Yes write the addendum. That’s extrenuating circumstances explaining your low gpa. Hopefully you’ve recovered since the accident and have paid everything off so you can conclude that you’re no longer under that strain and will be able to do well in law school.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Yes, agreed as well. You have a legit reason for the drop in grades, which wouldn't be apparent to the adcom unless you give an explanation. There was both a medical issue, and then a lingering financial obligation causing you to have to split your focus on both school and work. I would also try to include reasoning on why it won't be a continued issue in law school (you've paid off your obligations and can now focus solely on your schooling, etc). But I definitely think you should write something.

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