To clarify regarding the Blind Review Method. As you take a timed section/test, what have you, you're going through picking the right answers and eliminating the wrong ones. Sometimes you cant cross out a an answer 100% (or near) during the timed conditions. BR stipulates that ONLY after you're done time-testing MUST you go back through and find concrete reasons (100%) for the wrong and the right answer choices, correct? After doing such, if you are able to come up with 100% certainty for correct and incorrect answer choices, and you end up getting the question right, you do not need to watch the video, right? When i'm going through a test or section i naturally cross off wrong answers; however, on the ones i do not get to do this (or near) due to timed conditions (the ones where i pick best answer and move on) - if i can after, on the BR, find reasons for the correct and incorrect answer choices then i should feel "good" for that question, correct? Essentially, it is not about being able to mark off w/ near 100% during the timed condition, just on BR, right? I love the BR. I feel it has contributed GREATLY to my improvement. However, I don't want to waste time watching explanations if I really am probably alright with being able to eliminate w/ "100%" under BR even though not always under timed conditions. It might be more prudent to progress. Thanks for any clarification