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Sell Remainder of 7Sage Course?

Canucks350Canucks350 Alum Member
edited February 2019 in General 32 karma

Hi All,
I have a quick question. Are we allowed to/am I able to sell the remainder of my course subscription to a fellow 7Sager if I don’t need it anymore? If it’s an option, how would it work?

Thank you in advance.


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I haven't seen an explicitly stated rule about it on the site, although that doesn't mean that there isn't one. I feel like it would definitely be frowned upon/borderline unethical. People aren't allowed to just sell LSAC material, you have to have permission.

  • Heart Shaped BoxHeart Shaped Box Alum Member
    2426 karma

    Yeah, it’s ‘sorta’ like one of those IP right thing where J.Y. and the entire 7Sage team put together their knowledge into a package at a fraction of the cost and you can acquire those knowledge by compensating their hardwork at a very reasonable rate, and if others wish to do the same, they’ll likewise compensate/reward the IP holder, not you (don’t mean to sound harsh in anyway).

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    No, that is definitely not allowed. But, it's good you asked before going ahead with it. :)

    cc: @akistotle @studentservice

  • Canucks350Canucks350 Alum Member
    32 karma

    Great, thanks for the quick responses all!

  • msk12345msk12345 Alum Member
    247 karma

    Yeah but you also aren’t allowed to share HBO accounts, and I am still using my freshman year roommate’s...

  • studentservicestudentservice Alum Member Administrator Moderator Student Services
    edited February 2019 1421 karma

    Selling your 7Sage account is in violation of our Terms of Service: "Users will keep all Materials confidential, and will not sell, auction, loan, rent, give away, describe, summarize, or otherwise reveal the Materials or their contents, to any other person or entity." Your account will be suspended when we detect suspicious activity on your account.

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