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Mantra for June 3

2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
edited May 2019 in General 1810 karma

Reposting, hoping someone feels me on this: If we do all the work upfront, then the questions will fly by.
If we do all the work upfront, then the questions will fly by.
You guys, this is my new mantra. So simple, but so hard to grasp. I've been watching videos of terrified me ~ staring at answer choices for way too long and hesitating for what looks like an eternity ~ and it hit me! If we do all the work upfront, then the questions will fly by. JY has told us this, but we have to live it and learn it. This mantra may just save my ass on June 3. All together now, "If we do all the work upfront, then the questions will fly by!"


  • MIT_2017MIT_2017 Alum Member
    470 karma

    I'm curious, are you mostly referring to LG here, or other sections as well?

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    RC and LG. First I figured it out for LG, but it really applies to RC too. Instead of racing through a passage, if we read it a little slower, and even allow ourselves to give it a quick second pass to truly understand it, zoom go the questions. Watching myself spend WAY to long rereading the questions and/or the ACs led me to this grand realization.

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