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June? July? Or Both?

Isaiah4110Isaiah4110 Alum Member
in General 275 karma

Should I take the June test if I’m still a few points below my target score? This will be my second take. I also signed up for July and am going to take it no matter what. I think I can reasonably improve another 2-4 points to get closer/reach my target score within the next 6 weeks. But I’m not sure how the digital nature is going to impact my performance since I have been working exclusively on paper.

I’m confident that if I take the June test, it will show an upward trend from my last take. But isn’t it better to have reached your target score in two instead of three takes? I have been laying out different scenarios in my head. Just trying to put the best application forward to maximize my chances. Please help!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    By a few points below, do you mean that your average PT score is a few points below your goal, or do you mean that your all time highest PT is still a few points below? I think that if it is the former, I would go ahead and take in June. If you've hit within a point or two of your goal score, I think it's worth it, and you might not even have to take in July. After the June test, I would immediately start practicing with the digital format (okay maybe not immediately- give yourself a day or two off). It is probably slightly better to take twice instead of three times, but three times is not a crazy high number of takes and it's way better to have a higher score in three takes than a lower score in two takes.

  • Isaiah4110Isaiah4110 Alum Member
    275 karma

    My all time highest PT is still a few points lower than my target. What made me think about delaying is that I haven’t been able to stay consistently around a score. I think the chance of me doing better/well on June is higher than that of not doing well. But I’m just not sure if I want to take the chance of having two unsatisfying scores on my record.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Yeah in that case I'd just focus on killing it in July!

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