Analytics - Scoring One Section Only

in General 38 karma

Good evening,

If I am scoring individual sections from an exam, is there anyway to use the analytics/scoring feature to grade only one section -- as opposed to scoring the other sections as incomplete? I intend to use older exams to drill LR and LG, and am not finishing the exams in one sitting, rather, just one section at a time.

Alternatively, does anyone have any suggestions for the best way to do this? I am hoping to identify question types that I am consistently getting incorrect.



  • aussie_zacaussie_zac Alum Member
    90 karma

    Hey mate,

    I've been doing this for the LG sections. I just input the results into the analytics and then when I want to run a report to see how I am doing I just use the 'Edit' function to select the tests I want uesd for data.

    EG; I have sat 66, 68 and J07 as full tests and done the LG section of PT's 1-6.

    So if I want a good view of how I am doing overall I will only look at the full PT's but if I am just checking my LG sections I will include them all and just not take notice of the scores in the RC and LR sections.

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