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How to move forward???

iamcardibriiamcardibri Alum Member
edited June 2019 in General 314 karma

Hey guys, I'm looking for advice on the best way to move forward in my LSAT studies.

I took about a 3 week break due to lots of stuff going on at work and travel. Prior to my foolish hiatus, I was taking one or two timed sections a day, averaging -3/-4 on LR, -2 on LG, and -5/-6 on RC (so my scores have been hovering around the mid 160s). When I got back into studying last week, I started using the digital test taker and my scores have totally tanked. I'm talking -6/-7 on LR and even -9 on a single LR section yesterday, which is probably the worst score I've seen in over a year.

I guess I'm trying to isolate whether this massive score drop is due to the switch to digital or because of my extended break from studying... should I continue using the digital test taker and push through? Or should I temporarily return to paper testing to rebuild my skills and confidence?

My first LSAT score was a 161 in July 2018. I need at least a 165 by September 2019. This seemed so achievable a few weeks ago and with consistent scores, I was even hopeful that I could make the climb 170. But now I feel like I've taken ten steps back. What would ya'll recommend for me to get back on track?

Thanks for your tips!


  • tay45nowtay45now Alum Member
    5 karma

    I would say it is best to become accustomed to the digital format - so push forward in that regard. As far as your performance goes... it happens. Doesn't mean you've regressed as much as it means you just need to run over some key core curriculum features and try again. What I've noticed in my own studies is the frantic "i-have-to-keep-improving-or-staying-the-same" phenomena - but that doesn't do anyone any good. Try not to internalize it and remain confident in your ability to perform well. Continue on with BR, get used to breaking down phrases again, conditional logic, etc.

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