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Dear 7sagers,
So here's my thoughts on my first online format take for the LSAT:
I loved it for LR! It just felt like the process went way smoother and more efficiently. I don't know if it was because I've been drilling and reviewing LR like mad over the past couple of weeks, but nonetheless, the online LR has some evident advantage in my view. First of all, it helps so much that the clock is on your screen. Checking for the time on my analog watch was just a plain damn nuisance for me. Also, not having to transfer your answers on the scan-tron gives me an extra 2-3 minutes to do more questions. Lastly, the online format in terms of pencil vs. mouse/tablet pen, doesn't allow much time to be fixated on labeling. This indirectly forces you to focus on the structure of the argument instead of circling/underling each and every major detail, which was a bad habit for me.
Now for on the contrary, the online format is a freakin' NIGHTMARE for Games! Having to look up and down at the screen between my setup on scratch paper and the test itself on the monitor was unforgiving for me! Right now I usually get through about 3 games; but this time I could barley do ONE! Uggh, I wish LSAC would allow for having a clean paper version of the games to write on, and then transfer your answers on the computer/tablet. How do you all handle Games online? I folded my scratch paper horizontally, with one bigger side for the diagram, and the smaller side for questions. However this didn't help me at all, so I would dearly welcome any and all suggestion on this for me.
For Reading Comp., I still slightly prefer paper, but I believe I'll be able to adjust for online reading. I also believe that the online version, like LR, doesn't allow much time for obsession over labeling, so it forces you to comprehend the structure of the passage, which is what RC is pretty much all about.
PS: I'm registered for the July test, which seems like a WTF that I just now did an online test. However I'm most likely going to cancel and take advantage of the later free test unless I score a 155 or better. So I'd really like those online LG suggestions please!