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Include transcripts for 4 months at international institution?

MarkmarkMarkmark Alum Member

I'm a little bit confused. I spent 4 months at an international institution which did not grant a certificate or a diploma. It was a language school, not an undergraduate school. There seems to be a disagreement regarding international transcripts between certain schools and the LSAC. Examples of a school's policy and the LSAC's policy are shown below.

Some school: "If you have received academic credit for coursework taken abroad while enrolled as a full-time student [check], and if grades for that period of study are not clearly indicated on your home transcript [check], you must send that foreign study transcript directly to LSAC."

However, LSAC says: " were directly enrolled at one or more institutions outside of the United States [check], its territories/associated states, or Canada and the total amount of work you completed at all of these institutions combined is the equivalent of more than one year of undergraduate study [no check]..."

The time at my international institution was full-time but less than 1 year of undergraduate study so according to LSAC I need not send transcripts from the international school. I am mentioning the international school on my resume.

What do I do?


  • Mario RoboMario Robo Alum Member
    266 karma

    I would call LSAC and check with them first

  • Mario RoboMario Robo Alum Member
    266 karma

    See what they say and tell them about the differences between the policies

  • MarkmarkMarkmark Alum Member
    976 karma

    I did, I'll update their response on this thread

  • seuiseuiseuiseui Alum Member
    14 karma

    Have the exact same question -- also have a similar experience at a language school

  • MarkmarkMarkmark Alum Member
    976 karma

    I emailed LSAC weeks ago, still no response.

  • MarkmarkMarkmark Alum Member
    976 karma

    I just got a response. The response was ver batim the rules from the LSAC website regarding "less than 1 year don't need to send." Regarding Clearinghouse emailing transcripts, that's a no go, Lsac won't accept emails with attachments or links to attachments for transcripts.

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