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Letters to LSAC?

2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
edited November 2019 in General 1810 karma

Hi, sagers. When I took the digital LSAT in July, we weren't given stylus pens, so I wrote a note to LSAC and they agreed to send their own note to any school I apply to saying the test center made a mistake, and I felt good about that because I did end up canceling my score. But yesterday, we started 2 hours after the ticket time (how much is reasonable to expect? 2 hours seems excessive and it did make me a ton more anxious) and then had a false start: The director said, "OK, we will now begin the tutorial. Please press start." We pressed start and the real test began! So we lost about 30 seconds because people were yelling, "Wait, this is the real test! Stop it! Start it over!" and whatnot. There was also an incessant squeaking/beeping noise in the room near my desk, which I mentioned to administrators, but they couldn't figure out what was causing it. So at the end, one of the administrators told me that they will be sending a note to LSAC about the delay and the false start. He also told said they'd send another note that I specifically was distracted by a noise they couldn't stop. My question is, do I follow that up with another complaint e-mail to LSAC today or do I just leave it alone? I wouldn't want admissions people to think I'm a "problem test taker" or a complainer! But I do think there's a discrepancy between the test experience I've anticipated and paid money for and the actual experience I've had. Thank you for reading and pretty please advise if you have an informed opinion on this! #help

What to do
  1. Should I send a second complaint letter to LSAC?5 votes
    1. No; leave it alone. Take responsibility for your score and don't look like a problem.
    2. Yes. They should know that I didn't have a fair shot to improve my score.
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